Club Lottery 

The Club Lottery which had been suspended due to Covid has now resumed and the deferred draws have taken place. The Lottery is now our main source of income as many of our other income streams have been greatly depleted and in some cases eliminating completely. We are now asking our members who are not already supporting the lottery to join now as there are very substantial ongoing maintenance costs including the replacement of the roadside ball stopping nets which had to be replaced due to safety issues at a cost of €10,000. The current Jackpot is €8,100 with six lucky dips for €40 each week.  We thank all those who already support the Club Lottery and encourage as many as possible to join now. You can join by purchasing tickets online, at many retail and newsagent outlets in Clonakilty or by direct debit which can be arranged though any Club Officer.
Your support is much needed and greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
Ger McCarthy